Hunger Games

Fear level
Welcome to the year 2100, in the city of MOUXA BLYAXA, a metropolis reserved for the wealthiest individuals in the world. Plunged into boredom from effortlessly possessing everything, the inhabitants of MOUXA BLYAXA no longer know how to make their lives more entertaining, more thrilling!
Without any risks, stress, or constraints to disrupt their daily routine and security, they find themselves at a loss.
The town's games master, tired of trying everything to entertain the citizens, has run out of ideas.
This prompted him to invent the ultimate adrenaline-pumping game: a giant maze from which you can only escape by eliminating all the other players.
A veritable corridor of death, the labyrinth forces participants to compete for their very survival...
Who will be the smartest?
Who will go beyond their limits to stay alive?